Friday, July 25, 2008

Nice Shiner!!

So, Paul and I escaped for a couple of days to celebrate his birthday (I won't say how old he is, but I will just make a comment that he is OLDER THAN ME!!). We weren't gone more than 5 minutes when Eric ran into the arm of the couch as Grandma's house and ended up with this nice shiner. Apparantly this is looking really good (2 days after the incident) compared to the day of when it was practically swollen shut! Good thing Grandma didn't call to report it or we would have added another worry to our list as we were trying to relax! We were already worried about Justin up at scout camp since he called us the first night we were childless to report a whole list of woes, starting with his club foot which is already a pain issue for him daily. But add on to that a plantar's wart on that heel, and a twisted ankle on the same foot which occurred 5 minutes before leaving for camp Monday morning. All in all, it was a week of injuries and self pity for the Hammond boys. On the flip side, despite worrying a little about Justin, we had a great time on our little get away!!

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