Tuesday, August 19, 2008

School starts....and life is good again!

2 months of summer with 4 boys plus various friends over makes for one active and sometimes very loud house! We have enjoyed our time together this summer, and I have definitely taken advantage of the ability to sleep in!! Something I have dreadfully missed the last two days! However, it is time to get back to a routine with homework and projects, reading and spelling lists, and did I mention projects? (I was a project teacher for 9 years before having any school age children of my own. What was I thinking?!!!!) Anyway...this is the first photo edition of this topic as Jordan and Tyler started school yesterday, and Justin and Eric will start next Monday. The boys were excited to get back to school, at least for the first day! The excitment is slowly draining away at the end of the second day! However, my excitment is only just gaining momentum as my days are quiet and relaxed once again...life is good, until 3:30 when they all come piling through the door demanding snacks and help with all of their homework and projects!! Oh well...at least 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. is all about me (and Eric)!


Kimmy said...

Isn't life great now?!!!!!I LOVE School starting!

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Love seeing what the boys have been doing this summer they are the best bunch of boys and we just love having them in our life's and also as our neighbor's.Eric is one of the very best ever we do so enjoy him.We love being his Grand Parents.